76 Allen Street, Greenville, SC, 29605
(864) 660-3469
Bible College & Seminary
About Us
We are committed to your success in Christian Spiritual Development.

About the HGCD
Welcome from the Chancellor,
Greetings in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim His name: make known among the nations what He has done.” 1 Chronicles 16:8. I am delighted to welcome you to Higher Ground Christian Development (HGCD) College and Seminary. All of our Faculty, Staff, and Board of Directors join me in wishing each and every one of you a wonderful journey of Education that is Christian and a successful end. We pray that you are able to realize your dreams and potentials as you set yourself to work hard and diligently through each phase of your course of studies.
Higher Ground Christian Development (HGCD) Bible College and Seminary is a college of disciple training taught on the Word of God. This Bible Institution was birthed not to ignore the fact that there are a vast amount of other colleges in our community; but that it was birthed to grab those whom God has appointed for specific ministries and their doors seem to have been shut because of the lack of finances or other things that have blocked an entrance into an accredited school. We are here to help guide educational advancements to appointed places without having to dig deep into the pockets of students as they make their journey.
It is the desire of this college along with our Faculty, Staff, and Board of Directors to help each student advance into their ministry careers as they are strengthened in the knowledge of God. We strive to take each student to heights that they never thought possible and to achieve new goals that were only dreams.
You will find that we offer degrees from the Bachelors to Doctorate programs and all are accredited through the Association of Independent Christian Colleges and Seminaries out of St Louis Missouri. We are well able to help you design your ministry needs in various professional and ministry opportunities. We pray that you find HGCD Bible College and Seminary a place where you can be processed and progress.
To each of you as you come in His Divine Order, I pray that you receive a joy-filled time with the family of HGCD Bible College and Seminary and we pray that all things promised to you will manifest itself through your hard work and dedication to your course of studies.
God Bless
In His Holy Grip
+Dr. Muriel C. Anderson, President

Providing you with Godly Leaders and Administrators

Dr. Bishop Muriel Anderson
Chancellor and Founder

Dr. Angie Moton
Vice President of Campus Success

Overseer Paul Anderson
Professor, Chaplin Board of Directors

Our Mission
Higher Ground Christian Development Bible College and Seminary exists to train, develop, and equip men and women to become Christlike disciples and leaders for effective ministry in the church and community for the advancement of God's kingdom.

Our Vision
The vision of HGCD College and Seminary is to equip servant leaders for Christian living and service worldwide. Our aim is to be an institution of excellent academics and spiritual excellence. To do this, we seek to have instructors who love God and are qualified to teach according to the curriculum set for this institution.