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Admissions Application

Online Admissions Application

Student Information

Which type of applicant are you?  

What is your course of study?

Emergency Contact Information

Do you have a High School Diploma?


Name of of High School

Address of High School

Did you attend college?

Did you attend college?

If yes, which college?

If you received a degree, list the year you earned your degree.

What degree level are you interested in?  Provide a copy of your High School Diploma or GED and any other BA or MA degrees (All Official transcripts are required: Email them to the attention of:  Dr. Angie Anderson-Moton (

Select an option

Did you ministry credentials?

Ministry credentials


Type of credential


To evaluate your writing: 

All students are required to enclose a cover letter of 1-2 pages stating their educational and spiritual goals.  All cover letters must be typed double spaced 12 point font. This is required. E-mail to




Higher Ground Christian Development Seminary Student Covenant


I agree with the HGCD Statement of faith, and I agree to abide by the policies and procedures of the College as outlined in the catalog at the time I enrolled (Catalog subject to change yearly). 


I agree to exercise prayer for the College, professors, staff, and students..

Select an option

Please make sure to enclose the following
(see life experience processing at the bottom of the form):

  • Resume of Ministerial Experience

  • 3 letters of recommendations

  • Copies of booklets or books published

  • Copies of audiotaped or videotaped series preached or taught

  • Photo of Church or Ministry

  • Recent photo of yourself

  • Certificates from other seminaries or classes attended

Life Experience Processing

The School will process your enrollment and evaluate your life experience and inform you of our findings and recommendations for the completion of your degree. We will not proceed with the enrollment until we have received that everything has been completed by you and HGCD Academic/ Admissions Coordinator.


Please be prepared to Declare your major:

  • Bachelor program:

  • Biblical Studies

  • Church Administration

  • Pastoral Ministry

  • Master’s Program:

  • Pastoral Ministry

  • Church Administration

  • Divinity

  • Doctoral Program:

  • Christian Education

  • Christian Counseling ( must have your Bachelor and Master’s Degree in Counseling prior to applying with us)

  • Theological Studies

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Admissions Process All students considering enrolling with Higher Ground Christian Development/ Seminary must complete the following: (Check all if you agree)

Academic Policies and Procedures

Tuition and Fee List
Every student apart of the Bible College/ Seminary is held to a financial portion of their Christian Education.  Below you will find a list of fees you are responsible for while attending this educational institution.

Bachelor Program: Registration/Administration Fee (one-time fee for application process) $175.00 non-refundable. Course/ Class $150.00 (per class) each student required to complete 120 -140 semester hours. Technology Fee (each semester) 50.00. Books are required to be purchased from Seminary. Graduation Fees (varies) $500.00 and up. All Bachelor programs require all students to earn at least 120 semester credit hours with a minimum of 2.00 GPA (Type your name if you agree)

Master’s Program: Registration/Administration Fee (one-time fee for application process) $275.00 non-refundable. Course/Class $200.00 (per class). Each student is required to complete  3 credit hours per semester. The technology Fee (each semester) is 50.00. Books are required to be purchased from Seminary. Graduation Fees (varies year to year) are $700.00 and up. All Master's programs require all students to earn at least 60-66 credit hours with a minimum of 3.00 GPA. All students are REQUIRED to pass each with a B or above.  If you make below the required grade, you must retake that course. (Type your name if you agree)

Doctoral Program: Registration/Administration Fee (one-time fee for application process) $375.00 non-refundable. Course/Class $150.00 per month, including   Technology fee. All Books are required to be purchased from Seminary.  Graduation Fees (varies year to year) are $900.00 and up. All Doctoral programs require all students to earn at least 50 credit hours with a minimum of 3.50 GPA (Type your name if you agree)

Student payments

At the time of enrolling in a new semester, the following must be completed: 1. Students must purchase books through HGCD Bible College and Seminary on the first day of class or the first day that the student registers. 2. In addition, all students must pay 20% of the entire semester on the first day of class or the first day that the student registers. 3. The remaining balance will be divided; an invoice will be sent every three weeks until the completed semester. (Invoice #2, #3, #4) 4. Once invoice #2 has been sent to each student, that student will have three weeks to complete payment for that invoice.5. Suppose you have not completed that invoice by when invoice #3 is scheduled to send. In that case, that student will no longer have access to the college's LMS, Educadium system, or any class links (students are prohibited from sharing classified information with each student). All student links are provided by the professor who is teaching that class. 6. When a student is experiencing hardships, that student must converse with the Admissions Office in -person and by email. If a plan can be agreed upon, that student must adhere to the guidelines of that contract and meet all deadlines to proceed as a student in good standing with HGCD Bible College and Seminary. (Type your name if you agree)

I accept responsibility for paying my term tuition and fees by the deadline. I understand that if I do not pay my tuition and fees or do not pay these fees by the due date, my records will be put on hold, and my account will be referred to a collection agency. All outstanding delinquent accounts will be submitted to a collection agency unless suitable payment arrangements are made. Suppose HGCD Bible College/Seminary considers it necessary to refer all or part of the unpaid principal, late charges and /or interest to an attorney or collection agency for collection. In that case, the student is liable for and shall pay all the attorney’s fees and collection agency fees resulting from the referral that is allowed by federal and state laws and regulations and that are necessary for the collection of these amounts.   If your account is delinquent at the time of Graduation, you may or may not be able to participate in the Graduation Ceremony, nor will you be able to receive your Diploma/Transcripts until all accounts are cleared and paid in full. (Type your name if you agree)

Class Attendance Policy

All professors and students at Higher Ground Christian Development Seminary must acknowledge and understand our class attendance policy. Each student is allowed as many absences as credit hours for the course. If the course is weighted at three credit hours, the student is allowed three absences for that class. It is the responsibility of the student to make up scheduled work missed in the absence of that class. Absences from unannounced tests and other assignments may be made up at the instructor's discretion. Instructors are required to maintain attendance records on all students. They are expected to report any student who exceeds the maximum number of absences to the Dean of Student Success. Students who exceed the maximum number of absences may be administratively dropped from the course or receive a failing grade in that class. Tardiness is not acceptable without communication.  If you are more than 15 minutes late, it shall be counted towards an absence. If a student is more than 30 minutes late, the student shall not be allowed to attend class at all; this is true for in-person and virtual classes. (Type your name if you agree)

Course Withdrawal Process: If a student is considering withdrawing from a course he/ she must provide a completed online withdrawal form to the Dean of Academic Affairs.  A copy of your withdrawal form will be submitted to the Office of Admissions and placed in the student file. The withdrawal must be submitted and approved before the second class of the course in order to receive a 100% refund.  If your withdrawal is submitted and approved before the third class of the course you may receive a 50% refund.  Refunds are defined as any funds paid to the office of Admissions prior to starting that particular 9 weeks, this does not include administrative, book, copying, or technology fees. If the proper documentation is not approved the student is still responsible for full payment of the course.  Withdrawing from a course after the last day permitted ( the third class) the final grade for that course will result in a Failing Grade. (Type your name if you agree)

Academic Withdrawal Process from Seminary: When a student finds it necessary to discontinue their coursework with Higher Ground Christian Development he/she must provide a letter of intent or complete the electronic withdrawal form and return it to the Academic Department.  Before considering withdrawal all student accounts must be cleared and paid in full. Refunds will be considered for currently registered classes minus the book, administrative and copying fees. If a student chooses to leave without submitting proper documentation, all rights at this point will be forfeited to receive any transcripts and the right of re-admission is made by the Chancellor. All final withdrawal requests must be signed off by the Chancellor and that letter will be sent to the Office of Admissions for student records and sent to the student address on file. (Type your name if you agree)

Higher Ground Christian Development Seminary Student Covenant

I am in agreement with the HGCD Statement of faith and I agree to abide by the policies and procedures of the School as outlined in the catalog at the time I enrolled (Catalog subject to change yearly).  I also agree to lift the School, its professors, staff, and students up before the Lord in prayer daily. (Type your name if you agree)

Thanks for submitting!

Call us to get started today!

Admissions Office
Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.


p. (864) 660-3469


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